Sunday, December 16, 2018

Steam Controller not working


Recently I realized my Steam controller was not working.  None of the advice I could find online was working.  A large portion of the hardware was detected in random categories as 'HID Compatible' but a significant portion of it was, predictably, detected as Razor hardware.

After hours of tinkering I've figured out a reliable way to resolve the issue.
Unfortunately for razor users it involves deleting the driver.

  • Unplug the steam controller dongle and turn off the controller (pop out the batts and pop em back in).
  • Run cmd in administrator
    • "set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1"
    •  "start devmgmt.msc" 
  • Device manager will launch
  • At the top, under the view menu, hit 'Show hidden devices'
  • Go under the 'Razor' tab
  • Look for the half opaque ones
  • Right click and hit 'Uninstall Device'
  • It will have a checkbox.  Make sure to toggle the 'remove/delete driver' option
  • Uninstall device half opaque in that tab.  You wont need to toggle for the rest.
  • Launch steam big picture
  • Hit 'settings' (the gear)
  • Hit the controller options
  • plug in your controller dongle.  turn on your controller.
  • You SHOULD see 'add steam controller' under the options now.  Don't bother clicking it yet.  You've got one more step.
  • Pop them batteries out of your controller again
  • Pop the batts back in but DO NOT turn it on yet
  • Click 'add steam controller'
  • It should prompt you to 'hold x and turn on your controller'.  Do that.
  • Enter the button combination.
The controller is now properly paired and working.  To turn the controller off from now on your can do so one of two ways:
  1. Wait til it turns itself off due to non-use.  (NOT recommended because it can make your internet browser buggy and skippy)
  2.  In big picture under the power menu there is an option that says 'turn off controller'.  I recommend this 1000%
Be sure to use other people's controller configs when using this controller.  It'll save you a buttload of time.

I hope this helps someone!


Back to Blogger

Thanks to Tumblr's death I think I will shift my focus entirely to blogger.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Years of programming.  Years of drawing.  Years of learning useful skills like 3d modelling.
Very few actual game projects.
Thankfully, I can confidently say that I am at a skill level that I feel I can make something worth having.

Lots of news, lots to do.

Update this again soon.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The creation of my blog

Another step in becoming a game designer.
I have wanted my own website for a long time and the page I have on geocities, while great in terms of customization and price, is terrible in terms of bandwidth and webspace.
You get what you pay for I suppose.
Hopefully this is better. I willll see in time I suppose.
